


挑選設計感家具 提升空間質感

複合機能傢 補強簡單空間的不足

採購家具不必一次到位 將部份舊家具用在新空間中,採購家具不必一次到位,挑選耐看且真正喜歡的家具,才是重點,而且還能降低採買家具的預算。

家具比例與空間協調 所有家具尺寸的考量,都是為了達到最極致的美和平衡;所有的物件都是以最符合人體舒適來測量作決定。選擇喜歡的、而不是成套的家具作搭配,圓形餐桌該有的尺寸必須提供相同比例大小的空間融合,家具與空間呼應的比例掌握成就風格的完整度。






























  • 單人


  • 白色


  • 動物羽毛絨


  • 雙人+枕
    填充物∕水鳥羽絲88.7%、水鳥羽毛4.3%、水鳥絨絲4.6%、其他 2.4%
    羽絲絨被 6x7尺(180x210cm)±3%
    羽絲絨枕 1.5x2.5尺(45x75cm)±3%
    羽絲絨被填充物 1.5kg±3%;總重 2.3kg±3%
    羽絲絨枕填充物 1.2kg±3%

    .顏色:如圖,網頁產品因拍攝關係,與實品略有差異,實品顏色更佳 。產品圖僅供參考,不含拍攝道具,實際內容以上述為主。












客戶要求Client’s brief 1. 以「城市漂泊者」為目標群體,在Orchard路上設計和建造 Merci Marcel咖啡廳兼酒吧的旗艦店——同時這也是該品牌在新加坡所開設的第三家餐飲服務店。2. 以Merci Marcel品牌的特有風格為基礎,打造一個現代巴黎風格的咖啡廳兼酒吧空間,同時設置一個能夠通向購物區的露臺用餐空間。3. 將多品牌的概念融入進空間設計中去。4. 將客戶多年來所收集到的一些稀奇古怪卻很有趣的藝術品等融入進咖啡廳兼酒吧空間中。 1. To design and build Merci Marcel’s flagship café and bar on Orchard Road that target 「urban bohemians」, its third F&B outlet in the country.2. To bring the Merci Marcel brand of contemporary Parisian-style café and bar with a patio dining space that opens to the shopping district.3. To incorporate a multi-brand concept store into the space4. To incorporate some of the fun and quirky art and objects the clients have collected over the years into the space. ▼咖啡廳酒吧外立面,exterior view of the project ©HUI DESIGNS ... 設計說明Design Statement 本項目是一個巴黎風格的咖啡廳兼酒吧,天馬行空的空間極具現代感。設計團隊通過顏色、紋理、設計、照明細節以及或是復古或是現代的家具等,打造出一個完全適應熱帶地區的用餐空間。 A contemporary and whimsical Paris-style café and bar with a nod to the tropics through the use of colours, textures, design and lighting details, and vintage and modern furniture. ▼咖啡廳酒吧外立面,牆體上開著弧形洞口,exterior view of the building’s external walls with sweeping arches ©HUI DESIGNS ... 項目基地The Site 繼在俱樂部街(Club Street)和Tiong Bahru成功地開設了兩家廣受喜愛的Merci Marcel品牌餐飲服務店後,客戶決定在Palais Renaissance購物中心內推出他們的咖啡酒吧旗艦店兼多品牌商店。項目基地原屬於歐洲高奢表具製造商,總面積為2377平方英尺,擁有總長高達10米的高質量臨街面,並享有購物街區的景觀視野。此次建築事務所HUI DESIGNS再次與客戶合作,希望能夠為他們設計出一個能夠完美地展現出其獨特的餐飲服務願景的空間。 Having successfully launched the popular Merci Marcel F&B outlets on Club Street and in Tiong Bahru, the client (Antoine Rouland and Marie-Charlotte Ley Rouland of FROG』YS Pte. Ltd.) was ready to launch its flagship café, bar and multi-brand store in Palais Renaissance, a destination mall with unique brands. The client acquired the space previously occupied by a European luxury watchmaker for Merci Marcel Orchard Road, totalling 2377 sqf with a premium 10-metre frontage with a view of the shopping district. HUI DESIGNS is pleased to once again partner with the client to design and deliver its distinctive F&B vision. 立面和露臺The Façade and Patio 從街道平面出發,設計團隊和客戶都認為可以在本項目中設置一個轉角的露臺用餐空間。該露臺一側通向Orchard路,同時還能讓顧客們在用餐的同時欣賞到泰國皇家大使館的側面景觀。 這就要求對空間的外牆進行重新設計。為此,設計團隊在牆體上嵌入了帶有金屬框的大型拱形落地窗和門體,不僅致敬了20世紀50年代新加坡所流行的單層小屋,更營造出一種包浩斯般的建築風格。這一設計手法立即使本項目從其周邊環境中脫穎而出,並與購物區建立起緊密的聯繫。 ▼室外的轉角露臺用餐空間,the corner dining patio ©HUI DESIGNS ... With a street view from its space on level one, the client and I agreed that we needed to include a corner dining patio to the design – one that opens to Orchard Road on one side and offers a side view of the Royal Thai Embassy. This required that we hack the building’s external walls. I designed sweeping arches of metal framed windows, walls and doors as a nod to a style popular with bungalows in 1950s Singapore and reminiscent of Bauhaus architecture. This immediately raised the visibility of Merci Marcel Orchard Road and connected the shopping district with the new flagship outlet. ▼從露臺用餐空間透過帶有金屬框的拱形落地窗看室內用餐空間,viewing the interior dining area from the dining patio through the arches of metal framed windows ©HUI DESIGNS ...... ▼從室外看室內,looking inside ©HUI DESIGNS ... ▼從室內看室外露臺,looking outside ©HUI DESIGNS ... 咖啡廳和酒吧The Café and Bar 客戶希望項目的入口處有一個門廳空間,從而使得顧客在未進入咖啡廳和酒吧之前便能體會到一種到達感。同時,這個門廳也可以作為主營法國產品的多品牌商店的側門。 The client requested for a foyer at the entrance to create a sense of arrival before customers enter the café and bar. It also functions as a side entrance to the multi- brand store carrying predominantly French products. ▼入口門廳,the foyer ©HUI DESIGNS ... 建築師在設計中融合了法國南部和摩洛哥的特色,打造出一個溫馨而親密的空間。在進入用餐空間之前,等位的顧客們可以坐在巴黎的復古天鵝絨沙發上,欣賞拱形的天花板和覆以羅勒綠色灰泥裝飾的牆壁。 I designed a welcoming and intimate space with touches of South of France and Morocco. A vintage velvet sofa from Paris invites waiting customers to sit and take in the vaulted ceiling and walls finished in basil green plaster rendering before they are led to their seats. ▼入口門廳內部,門廳由羅勒綠色的牆壁圍合而成,設有拱形的天花板,interior view of the foyer that is enclosed by walls finished in basil green plaster rendering, with the vaulted ceiling ©HUI DESIGNS ... 在邁進主要空間的那一瞬間,顧客們便會立即被吧檯吸引。懸掛著的光亮的黃銅架子上擺滿了成排的優質烈酒和利口酒,綠植則塑造出空間的層次感,營造出一種迎接顧客到來的氛圍。吧檯的側面上裝飾著帶有凹槽的實心白蠟木條。這種設計延續了Merci Marcel品牌在新加坡的第一家門店——Tiong Bahru店的空間細節。 As customers step into the main space, they will immediately see the island bar, their arrival heightened by the overhanging illuminated brass shelves filled with rows of premium spirits and liqueurs and indoor plants cascading from different levels. Fluted solid ash wood strips line the fascia of the bar counter, a detail taken from Merci Marcel Tiong Bahru, the group’s first bar in Singapore. ▼吧檯,the bar ©HUI DESIGNS ... ▼吧檯側面上裝飾著帶有凹槽的實心白蠟木條,fluted solid ash wood strips line the fascia of the bar counter ©HUI DESIGNS ... ▼架子上的綠植營造出一種層次感(左),吧檯懸掛著的黃銅架子上擺滿了酒(右),indoor plants of the shelves cascade from different levels (left), the overhanging illuminated brass shelves of the bar are filled with rows of premium spirits and liqueurs (right) ©HUI DESIGNS ...... ▼吧檯細節,bar details ©HUI DESIGNS ...... 與Merci Marcel的其他門店一樣,棕櫚樹、蕨類植物和各種適合室內種植的綠植等不僅限定了空間,更柔化了粗糙的灰泥抹面牆和裸露的磚牆所帶來的冷硬感。此外,法國藝術家Tiphaine Sartini為本項目所創作的大型壁畫也採用了棕櫚的主題,從而與客戶的稀奇古怪的收藏品和室內裝飾品形成了一種相得益彰的效果。 Like all other Merci Marcel locations, palm trees, fronds and various types of indoor plants frame the space, softening the mix of rough plaster rendered walls and exposed painted brick walls. The palm theme is seen in the large wall mural painted by French artist Tiphaine Sartini, complementing the quirky art pieces and soft furnishings sourced by the client, Marie-Charlotte. ▼室內用餐空間,interior dining area ©HUI DESIGNS ... ▼大型壁畫採用了棕櫚的主題,the palm theme is seen in the large wall mural ©HUI DESIGNS ... 設計團隊還在入口窗戶的附近設置了一面特殊的牆體,這面牆體被客戶親切地稱為「玫瑰牆(Rosé Wall)」。這面由貨架構成的牆體被包裹在藤條之下,成為了Merci Marcel餐飲空間的主要特點。應客戶的要求,每個架子上都設有低壓的焰球燈,以便將柔和的光線投射到展示中的法式玫瑰花瓶上。 Customers will also quickly notice what the client joyfully calls the Rosé Wall near the entrance window. This feature wall of shelves is wrapped in strips made from rattan, a distinctive feature in Merci Marcel outlets. At the client’s request, each shelf has been lined with low-voltage flame bulbs that will cast a soft, gentle glow to bottles of French Rosé on display. ▼貨架被包裹在藤條之下,the shelves are wrapped in strips made from rattan ©HUI DESIGNS ...... 空間風格The Style 本項目是對「熱帶地區的法國」的當代詮釋。它將歐洲中世紀的現代和復古家具與20世紀50年代的新加坡建築設計風格相融合,再加以氣候溫暖地域內常用的藤條,打造出一個舒適的空間。 The style is a contemporary interpretation of 「France In The Tropics」 with an eclectic mix of mid-century modern and vintage furniture pieces from Europe juxtaposed with 1950s Singapore design and the use of rattan, which was common in warmer climes. ▼室內用餐空間,是對「熱帶地區的法國」的當代詮釋,interior dining area,the style is a contemporary interpretation of 「France In The Tropics」 ©HUI DESIGNS ... ▼靠窗的室內用餐空間,室內使用藤條元素,牆面設置弧形大窗,the interior dining area beside the arched windows, with the use of rattan ©HUI DESIGNS ...... 主要設計特點Key Design Features 天花板 | Ceiling 凹室和露臺用餐空間的天花板皆採用由BYO Living在印度尼西亞專門製作的、由藤條編織而成的面板。其他空間的天花板則採用穿孔的隔音板。 The ceilings of the alcove and patio comprise of woven rattan ceiling panels, which were specially made in Indonesia by BYO Living. Perforated acoustic panels have been used elsewhere. ▼部分空間的天花板採用穿孔的隔音板,另一部分採用由藤條編織而成的面板,some areas use perforated acoustic panels, while others use woven rattan ceiling panels ©HUI DESIGNS ... ▼露臺空間使用由藤條編織而成的天花板面板,the ceilings of the patio comprise of woven rattan ceiling panels ©HUI DESIGNS ... 地面 | Floor 為了呈現出法國南部的感覺,地面採用了由Rubik Material Laboratory製造的、來自義大利的六角形陶土瓷磚。這種瓷磚以蜂窩狀排列。 For a South of France feel, the hexagon terracotta tiles arranged in honeycomb style are from Italy and supplied by Rubik Material Laboratory. ▼地面細節,六角形陶土瓷磚以蜂窩狀排列,floor details, the hexagon terracotta tiles are arranged in honeycomb style ©HUI DESIGNS ... 裝飾性照明 | Decorative Lighting 本項目所使用吊燈是由Honoré Déco生產的、來自巴黎的Parasol條紋燈。Seletti Monkey燈具則被放置在咖啡廳空間的周圍,以營造一種有趣的、奔放的、異想天開的環境氛圍。 The hanging lamps are Parasol fringe lamps by Honoré Déco, purchased in Paris. Seletti Monkey lamps have been placed around the café to inject a sense of fun, cheekiness and whimsy. ▼燈具細節,lighting details ©HUI DESIGNS ...... 家具 | Furniture 本項目中設置著中世紀風格的現代和復古家具,其中包括從巴黎購買的丹麥古董餐椅和Saarinen鬱金香桌椅等。為了增強熱帶的氣息,設計團隊在咖啡廳的周圍放置了一系列藤製沙發,讓人不禁穿越回20世紀50年代的新加坡。Cesca凳和卡座座椅都沒有靠背,但均鋪設著來自巴黎的墊子。此外,與其他Merci Marcel餐飲空間一樣,本項目的酒吧中設置著Sika酒吧高腳凳。 The space hosts an eclectic mix of mid-century modern and vintage pieces, including vintage Danish dining chairs and Saarinen tulip tables and chairs, which were all purchased in Paris. To inject a tropical vibe, rattan-framed sofas reminiscent of 1950s Singapore have been placed around the cafe. Customers will sit on Cesca stools or banquettes that are backless but adorned with cushions from Paris. Like other Merci Marcel venues, the bar will feature Sika bar stools. ▼室內空間局部,卡座椅不設靠背,但鋪設著軟墊,partial interior view with banquettes that are backless but adorned with cushions ©HUI DESIGNS ... ▼室內空間局部,設置藤編沙發,partial interior view with rattan-framed sofas ©HUI DESIGNS ...













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